Brittany Patrick is a recovering addict who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa. She struggled with addiction for over a decade. She knows the work that needs to be put into recovery as well as everything your children go through while watching firsthand. She has written the book “Daddy Goes to Treatment.” to get the discussion started. It is very close to her heart as she herself has two wonderful children who went through her struggle with her.
Brittany wasn't sure how to bring up the subject, even though it hinders her children's lives from both sides of the family and gives them a bigger pre-disposition to addiction than most. She got clean and sober and wanted to end the cycle with her, but she needed a way to bring the subject up. A way to talk about it while also letting her children know there is help out there, you just have to want it. She also wanted to let them know that they weren't the only ones going through this.
Addiction has always been something people didn't talk about and tried to hide, but it is a worldwide epidemic that needs brought to everyone's attention while also giving hope that WE DO RECOVER, only by the grace of God. Brittany still works a 12-step program and has given her will over to the God of her understanding. She wants to spread wisdom, power, and truth with this book while letting people know that asking for help is perfectly fine. If you need a way to break the ice with your children, grandchildren, foster child, or adopted child so that they can get a better understanding of what really happens and why, this is the book for you.
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