Higher Ground Books & Media
We Love to Tell the Story!
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Higher Ground Books & Media is an independent Christian-based publisher designed to provide a platform from which selected authors may share their stories. We are a unique publishing company and one of the few publishers who accept unsolicited, un-agented manuscripts. The ultimate goal of this company is not to provide authors with a place to promote themselves, but to provide them with a place where they can share their stories of triumph over personal challenges and in doing so, glorify God. Specifically, we are looking for how God has made an impact in your life. Books with themes that run contrary to God's word aren't likely to be accepted.
Submission Guidelines for Higher Ground Books & Media
please visit the Bulletproof Books Page.
Thank you for considering Higher Ground Books & Media for your manuscript. Please review our submission guidelines carefully:
Submission Criteria:
• Authors must reside in the United States.
• Submissions must be in English and complete.
• No simultaneous submissions; please inform us if you submit elsewhere.
• We do not accept previously published stories.*
*Previously published works will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Content Guidelines:
• We specialize in Christian-based literature celebrating personal triumphs and glorifying God.
• Themes contrary to Christian beliefs will not be accepted.
• We do not accept stories promoting the "woke" agenda or themes such as gender fluidity, cancel culture, anti-Conservative, or anti-American viewpoints.
• Accepted genres: Inspirational, motivational, or educational, particularly interested in Ministry Resources, Memoirs, and Personal Testimonies.
• We do not accept erotica or horror.
Submission Process:
Submissions for 2024 are currently OPEN.
• STEP ONE: Read our complete submission guidelines on our website. If you haven’t read our guidelines, please do not submit your manuscript.
• STEP TWO: Submit your proposal through our Contact Us form or email at highergroundbooksandmedia@gmail.com
• Your proposal should provide details about your intended audience and initial marketing plans, a brief description of your social media presence, and your overall goal in publishing the book. For example, are you hoping to provide a good resource for believers or non- believers? Are you hoping to become a best-selling author? Will this book be part of a larger outreach platform? Do you plan to follow up with other, related books?
• STEP THREE: If we are interested in reviewing your submission, we’ll contact you. You can then submit your completed manuscript; partial manuscripts will not be reviewed.
• STEP FOUR: In order to give your submission a fair review, we must have time to read it in its entirety. Please allow at least eight to twelve weeks for a response; we will acknowledge the receipt of your manuscript.
Formatting Guidelines:
• We only accept electronic submissions in Microsoft Word format.
• Avoid embedding special characters or photos within the text.
• For books with photos or artwork, follow the guidelines outlined in the author contract.
• If your children's book requires an illustrator, specify whether you have an artist or need to use one of ours (fees apply).
• Use a single, clear font, preferably Arial, in 12-point size.
• If you use a pseudonym, include it below the title with your real name in parentheses.
Thank you for considering Higher Ground Books & Media. We look forward to reviewing your submission. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.