Bulletproof Books is an imprint of Higher Ground Books & Media. We are looking for stories of patriotism, the American spirit, love of country, and all things related to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! We are particularly interested in historical non-fiction that discusses the history of America and fiction that showcases real American values.
Bulletproof Books is dedicated to preserving the history of the American people for generations to come!

The Patriot's Journal for Taking Action is a simple journal for those who are looking for a way to process their daily observations. Use this journal to help you organize your thoughts and process what you see and hear.
Get your copy today!
Bulletproof Books is seeking guidebooks in the areas of hunting, fishing, camping and prepping. If you've written a book on one or more of these topics, we'd love to take a look at it and see if you're a good fit for our Survivor Series!
To submit your manuscript, click here!
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Who We're Listening To
Bulletproof Books also partners with Leading the Follower to bring you thought-provoking commentary! Check out the latest podcast today!
Do you need help finishing or even starting to write your book? HGBM Services offers Author Coaching! We have a few spots available. Get more information on our services page. We can help you tell your story this year!
Our submission guidelines are listed below:
1. We are currently only accepting electronic submissions, preferably Microsoft Word. Please send to: mailto:bulletproofbks@yahoo.com.
2. Use a single, clear font, 12-point size. The best to use is Courier or Courier New.
3. Use clear black text on a white background.
4. Include your name and contact information at the top left of the first page. Put an accurate word count at the top right.
5. If you write under a pseudonym, put that beneath the title but your real name in the top left of the first page.
6. Put the word “End” after your last page of text.
If we think your story is a good fit for Bulletproof Books, we will be in touch.
Please allow between four and six weeks for response.
We look forward to reading your submissions.
Benefits of Writing for Bulletproof Books
Submit your manuscript for consideration for our upcoming calendar! See our submission guidelines for more information.
Authors whose works are selected receive:
Our standard publishing contract including a 50/50 royalty split on all eligible sales,
A 50% discount on the book's retail price for author purchases, and
Inclusion in our corporate marketing.
To submit your book please check our submission guidelines for instructions!