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Available for Pre-Order. Terra Kern gives prophetic insight into the Word of God about what God is speaking to His church in this new visitation upon the earth.In the words of Associate Pastor Richard L Nowik, Mt Zion, Clarkston "I know He [God] is shining a light into areas we have only 'understood in part' to bring greater clarity to the Body of Christ and one of those areas in need of addressing is deliverance. At the leading of the Lord, Terra Kern is reconciling the things she has learned over the years versus what the Lord is revealing to her as part of this present truth. I appreciate Terra's words in The Children's Bread: Deliverance from Mindsets and Strongholds confronting long held mindsets that have prevented the church from walking in maturity. Terra delves into the devil's strongholds and, through the Word of God, illuminates the real power available to us so we can walk in freedom and liberty. She boldly pro-claims, 'We need to shift our thinking from the mindset of fear and/or intimidation when we see the enemy at work, when we recognize the spirit of the world, the spirit of the age, powers, principalities, wickedness in high places, the wiles of the devil, the demonic, etc. to the mindset of seeing God at work.' It is time to take our eyes off the enemy and fix them on what God is doing! ~ I am thankful for people like Terra who are willing to address the issues within the church and the mind-sets we have embraced, so we can walk in a new level of understanding and maturity."

The Children's Bread by Terra Kern

SKU: 978-1955368759
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