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This journal is a companion to the author’s book Fill Your Cup Daily which focuses on the importance of incorporating self-care into one’s daily life. One highly effective self-care strategy is to deliberately and positively focus one’s thoughts, and journaling can be a powerful tool for implementing this strategy. Much has been written about the power of positive thinking and the effect people’s habitual thoughts can have on their experiences. Between these covers you will find morning and evening sentence starters intended to improve one’s mood/feelings and ultimately enhance daily experiences.


After an introduction of the sentence starters coupled with explanations and suggestions for using them, the rest of the book is a personal journal intended to assist the readers/writers with taking charge of their thoughts, directing their own lives, and regularly filling their own cups so that they may mentally and physically live their best life and fulfill their highest purpose.


Available in coil bound or paperback. Also available as part of a bundle with Fill Your Cup Daily.

Fill Your Cup Daily Journal - Deborah Armstrong Bryant

SKU: 9781387800346
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