Some questions I always ask myself when reviewing manuscript submissions from authors are: Why are they writing this book? Is their goal to entertain? Do they want to educate? Are they trying to encourage? Or are they just venting? We always look at our submissions, however, with an eye toward answering the big question, “What good will it do to publish this book?”
A while back I wrote this post on my other blog, Leading the Follower, about what it means to want to really tell a story. More specifically what it means to really want to tell THE story. I’m sharing that post with you today in hopes of giving you a better idea of the types of work we are looking for at Higher Ground Books & Media.
We enjoy publishing all sorts of fiction, non-fiction, memoir, and children’s books, but what we enjoy the most are the books with purpose. So why are you writing? If you think you’ve written something that will help heal and encourage and you’d like to run it by us, we’d love to see your submission. You can send it to us at highergroundbooksandmedia@gmail.com. Be sure to check our submission guidelines before sending. www.highergroundbooksandmedia.com/submission-guidelines.
We love to tell the story and if your story fits with our mission, we’d love to tell yours too.
God bless!