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What is Higher Ground Books & Media?


We get lots of emails with questions about whether or not we have access to certain materials. So many, in fact, that I thought it might be a good idea to talk a little bit here about what we do here. Higher Ground Books & Media (HGBM) is an independent publisher. The only books we carry are books written by authors who have contracted with HGBM once their submitted manuscripts are selected for publication. We do not carry books or other materials published outside of HGBM. Our books are available on, however, we choose to have our own shop page so that we can offer discounts or bundles to our customers. We don't necessarily have the ability to ship as quickly as places like Amazon, but throughout the year, we do offer specials on the books that we publish.

Why Media?

We used to be called Books from Higher Ground, but decided that we wanted to branch out and offer audiobooks as well as paperbacks and ebooks back in 2014 or so. Since then, we have been called Higher Ground Books & Media as an indicator that we offer more than paperbacks. It is also our hope the we'll do more videos and podcasts when resources become available to do so, but for now those things are only available on a limited basis. So, media seemed like a good way to describe the things we have added or are planning to add in the future. Our podcasts are created in conjunction with Leading the Follower. You can find those here or on Spotify or other outlets.

What about Music?

While we would love to branch our and offer music as part of our "media" offerings, we are not yet there. We believe music is an integral part of faith and that it can be very calming and uplifting. Keep an eye out. We are researching the ins and outs of providing music as part of what we publish. When we have enough information to make a decision, we will certainly let everyone know!

What about Videos?

We actually do have a few videos, though our videos aren't sensational in any way. They are mainly simple productions about various topics that are available on our YouTube channel. Videos have not been our main focus, however, we would love to do more in this area as well. When resources become available, you may see more of our videos become available. For now, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel here. Send us your ideas for video content that you would find helpful and we'll see what we can do.

We've grown quite a bit over the last 8 years. And as we grow, we are trying to add more of what you need to grow. We welcome your suggestions for things you would like to see here at HGBM. We may not always be able to accommodate requests, but your suggestions help us to adjust the rudder and follow the path that makes the most sense for our authors and our readers. All within God's plan for us, of course. We appreciate your continued support and hope that we have been providing resources that are helpful to you as you continue your walk.

God bless you.

Use the CODE LETSGROW23 in the HGBM Shop for free shipping this week! 1/15 through 1/21/23.

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