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Is Anybody Out There?


For those who have subscribed and received our free "Feed Your Soul" Journal, please let us know if you have had a chance to start working through it. Also, if you have not yet received your copy, please let us know so that we can get that out to you. The first exercise has to do with identifying obstacles, so as we head into the holiday season this is a great time to begin working through your first thirty-day planning period. So, to get started, write down a list of things you see as obstacles in each area of your life.

If you have areas that have no obstacles, that's great! Just skip those and write out anything that presents itself as a challenge to your personal success.

See our example below:

  1. Health - Weight Loss

  2. Finances - Finding a steady job

  3. Relationships - Lack of interaction due to COVID restrictions

  4. Organization - Too much stuff, not enough space

  5. Spiritual Growth - Not enough time to pray

Next, go through your list and draw a line through those obstacles. Yes, we said draw a line through them. It's the first step toward eliminating those challenges and creating a mindset that allows for positive growth. See below:

  1. Health - Weight Loss

  2. Finances - Finding a steady job

  3. Relationships - Lack of interaction due to COVID restrictions

  4. Organization - Too much stuff, not enough space

  5. Spiritual Growth - Not enough time to pray

Now, once you have effectively marked through these obstacles, it is time to start thinking about what each area should look like. Over the course of the next thirty days, you will be creating a vision and plan to execute that vision using the Feed Your Soul journal. Here is an example:

Old List

  1. Health - Weight Loss

  2. Finances - Finding a steady job

  3. Relationships - Lack of interaction due to COVID restrictions

  4. Organization - Too much stuff, not enough space

  5. Spiritual Growth - Not enough time to pray

New List

  1. Health - Develop a healthy menu for the next 7 days and stick as close to this menu as you can.

  2. Finances - Review your resume and sign up for job alerts from online job boards.

  3. Relationships - Reconnect with old friends through social media and chat or interact as regularly as appropriate.

  4. Organization - Begin working on eliminating clutter. Commit to taking one box of items you no longer need to Goodwill each week.

  5. Spiritual Growth - Set aside 15 minutes each day to talk to God about your needs, worries, victories, etc.

Now you have a starting point and this is just the beginning! Be sure to let us know if you have received your Journal and if you've had a chance to get started. We'll post another tip next week so that you can follow along with your own plan. Don't forget to ask God for guidance throughout the process. As you spend time in prayer, ask Him to show you where you should be focusing your efforts. And definitely let us know how you are doing! We would love to hear from you! Just email us at!

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