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Growing Your Faith: Lessons Learned


This week's spotlight includes titles from three of our awesome men of God!

The first is Daniel K. Held, author of Love's Resurrection and Redeeming Gethsemane. Love's Resurrection: Its Power to Roll Away Fear's Heaviest Stone is the author's account of how human fear stories, including that which now dominates the mood of today's United (yet deeply divided) States of America, culminate in what he calls Great Awakenings of nation, church, and ourselves as individuals.

Redeeming Gethsemane relates real life experiences to scripture to overcome loneliness and challenges us to wake up and live out the Gospel. Dan Held skillfully weaves these experiences to make the scripture come alive in new ways. A great study book!”-- Donald L.Hayashi, past Associate General Secretary, General Council on Ministries of the United Methodist Church

Next we have Willie Deeanjlo White with Breaking the Cycle and Man Made by Grace. Man Made by Grace is a play on the concept of how to become a man of God and the grace that God has given to man. Breaking the Cycle is a bold statement to a lost generation that lends to the strength of the phrase “Train up a Child”! With our young people being bombarded by images of violence and sex on a daily basis, this workbook is designed to help them develop the type of biblical foundation that will stand the test of time.

Lastly, Stephen Shepherd, author of Chronicles of a Spiritual Journey and Eyes of Understanding. Chronicle of a Spiritual Journey recounts personal stories that seem like random worldly occurrences. Eyes of Understanding presents narrative examples of secular evil, explains the benefits of removing yourself from it by living in the Spirit instead of the flesh, and then explains lifestyle changes to help you to make that transition.

All three are wonderful resources for thinking about our faith in practical terms. Get them in the HGBM Shop today!

Get 10% off your order when you use the code Faith22 at checkout!

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