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Day 22 – In the zone…

If the zone in question is the “comfort” zone, then that’s not where I was today. I ended up going to a golf tournament with my daughter today to ride around as a “spectator.” Usually, I don’t do these because I have absolutely no knowledge about the sport. I had no idea how to even start the golf cart…as I had never done this before. I didn’t know what the etiquette should be for following your kid around course. In short, I felt really stupid for about the first hour and a half. But after the initial awkwardness wore off, I remembered that it was about 91 degrees out and that I was being eaten alive by a swarm of some sort of gnat or weird golf course bug. I was also covered with a fine layer of dust from driving the cart around. These are three things that make me slightly unhappy. Heat, bugs, and dirt. But I was there to support my daughter and although it was not something that I was familiar with or comfortable with, I ended up actually enjoying the change of pace. Sometimes, that’s exactly what we need to break out of a funk.

Normally, I would be sitting in front of my computer working on various projects and watching TV out of the corner of my eye. I’m usually so busy that by the time it gets to be 10 or 11, I’m fried. Tonight, I’m tired, but I feel pretty good. I’m exhausted but I enjoyed spending the time with my daughter and watching her do something she enjoys doing. I was able to take some time to disengage from all of the busy-ness of a normal day and just enjoy being outside…in the heat and the dirt and the bugs…you know, the splendor of nature. But seriously, I needed that. And now that I’m back inside, I’ll get back to work.

47 Days of Self-Care is a blogging project that is being published between three different blogs owned by Author & Publisher, Rebecca Benston. Over these 47 days, she hopes to share thoughts and resources for better self-care. You can view related posts at Higher Ground for Life, at the Leading the Follower blog, and on the Higher Ground Books & Media blog.

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