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Do you ever feel like you’re taking care of everyone else in your life while your own self-care gets pushed to the side?  Do you often feel overwhelmed with everything you need to do?  If you have found yourself in this position you may have felt annoyed, grumpy, and less patient with those you love.  You may have noticed yourself feeling depleted and disconnected from your deepest self, unable to enjoy the tasks of each day.  Maybe you’ve even suffered physically or mentally due to consistently putting everyone else’s needs before your own.  This book is intended for the “givers” of our world: parents, teachers, health care providers, counselors, and empathetic humans in general.  The need is real and the time is now to incorporate self-care into our daily lives so that we can experience greater peace, comfort, and joy each and every day.  Making yourself a priority in your own life does not in any way make your loved ones less of a priority.  In fact, the opposite is true.  By replenishing your soul regularly, you are more likely to be your very best self for those you care for and love. 


Between the covers of this book, you will find many self-care strategies that have worked wonders in the life of the author as well as practices shared with the author by others.  After all, you can’t continually provide quality care to those around you if your own cup is empty.  This is why it is important to fill your cup daily in order to live your happiest and most joyous life, and in turn, be able to share it with others.  The author’s intention for this book is to help you do exactly that! 

Fill Your Cup Daily by Deborah Armstrong Bryant

SKU: 978-1955368230
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