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Tell your story!


As submissions re-open, we wanted to take a moment to remind you that everyone has a story. You may not think that your story will be interesting to anyone else, but the truth is, when we share our experiences we often find that there are many others who have experienced or are experiencing the same things. And where they may be dealing with their issues in darkness, we can bring light by letting them know that they are not alone.

Our journey may not be easy and it may be filled with moments of chaos and pain, but God never gives us more than we can handle. He has equipped us to be warriors and He expects us to lean on Him in times when we feel defeated. Telling your story gives you power! And it helps you to heal. So, don't be afraid to write it down. Your words may help others sort out the things they need to confront and the things they need to leave behind.

Read our submission guidelines here. Once you have done that, you can email your submissions to us at

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