HGBM strongly advocates for self-care. We're all under so much stress these days that it is hard to imagine ever having the time or energy to do the things God put us here to do. Within our three pillars of Healing from Trauma, Using Your Gifts, and Growing Your Faith, we love to share tips and advice about things like learning how to de-stress. This week's feature is all about being able to Stress Less! Be sure to follow us for regular updates to this week's blog feature. Today, our focus is on acknowledging the cause of our stress and having the courage to release it. Read more below:
One of the main reasons why we are so much more stressed than let’s say our grandparents were, is because we are taking on a lot more. We have families where each partner is working a full-time job and possibly a side hustle as well to make ends meet financially. That leaves all the hard work of keeping house and raising a family, which needs to be done during “off” hours. Most of us no longer mentally clock out at the end of the workday. Instead, we take our work home, and are reachable at all hours via text message or email. Add to that the stress constant connectivity and social media creates and it’s no wonder we’re more stressed than ever.
It’s time to do something about it. It’s time to stop trying to do all the things all the time and focus on reducing stress in your life. Start by reviewing everything you do in a given day. A great tool for this is a time log. Keep a simple piece of paper or a small notebook with you at all times. Set an alert on your phone to go off every 30 minutes (during waking hours), and quickly jot down what you’re doing. Be brutally honest. No one else needs to see this log and you can burn it after you’re done. After a week of logging, you get a pretty good idea of where you spend your time and mental energy.
Now comes the fun part. Look through all of the information you've collected and decide what you can let go of. What can you stop doing? Open up some time for yourself to exercise, meditate, or to take a nap so you can catch up on much needed sleep. And of course, keep your prayer time consistent.
Next, it’s time to review and release all those worries, questions, and “should-dos” that are stressing you out. Get out another sheet of paper or two and start to write down anything and everything on your mind. All the stuff you’ve been thinking about doing. All the stuff that’s been worrying you. Get it all out. Walk away for a few hours and then come back to your list. Cross out as much as you can. Get rid of the things that are out of your control and decide to mentally release anything that just drags you down. Tasks that you feel like you should do, that you really don’t need to do. Then rewrite what’s left on two different lists. One will be things you can do, or have someone else do for you. This will become your master to-do list for the next few months. The other is a list of worries, or concerns. Notice how much smaller and shorter those lists are and how much lighter you feel just getting it all out of your head.
Last but not least, go burn that master brain dump list. You'll feel much lighter and able to tackle whatever comes up.
This week, take advantage of our STRESS LESS discount in the HGBM Shop. Just use the code STRESSLESS for 15% on all purchases this week only and only in the HGBM Shop!