Just watching the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy and the lady just asked the doctor (sarcastically, mind you) to let her know when it was okay to give up on her husband who was injured and dying. Of course, the doctor told her that she couldn't give up on him and that he would let her know when she could give up. I thought to myself, wouldn’t that be helpful? What would it do for us if we had someone who would just tell us when it was time to push forward and when it was time to give up? Would it be a good thing? Or would it take all of the “fun” out of life? I don’t know about you, but I tend to like making these decisions for myself. I like to be able to test myself and see whether or not I’ve learned my lessons. It gives me something to shoot for; a reason to go on.
There have certainly been times when I wished for the relief of having someone just tell me when the pain would end or when I could stop worrying about something. In the midst of the chaos, I would have welcomed some kind of instant healing. But would I have learned anything from that? If someone were to do these things for me, would I continue to make the same mistakes over and over…like I already do?
I think the point of telling someone that you will tell them when they can stop hoping is probably more for the sake of comforting them than actually healing them. And, while it makes for good television, it doesn’t solve the problem. This isn’t Grey’s, thankfully, and we can’t always look to a handsome doctor to make things all better. Even if it is Dr. DeLuca.
47 Days of Self-Care is a blogging project that is being published between three different blogs owned by Author & Publisher, Rebecca Benston. Over these 47 days, she hopes to share thoughts and resources for better self-care. You can view related posts at Higher Ground for Life, at the Leading the Follower blog, and on the Higher Ground Books & Media blog.